方如意:RflySimFG: 无人机故障生成仿真平台
方如意:RflySimFG: 无人机故障生成仿真平台
谭眺:Zero-Shot Multi-Scenario Semantic Network Diagnosis Assisted by Large Language Models
陈璐:The Optimization of Secure Computation Offloading Scheme under Multi-Eavesdropper Collusion in MEC Networks Based on RSMA
莫露莎:HGNet: Dynamic WLAN Performance Prediction Using Hypergraph Neural Networks
郭志琦:Location Privacy-Aware High-Altitude Platforms Data Collection and Trajectory Optimization
覃业广:Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Adversarial Game Environments: Personalized Anti-Interference Strategies in Heterogeneous UAV Swarm Communication
郭家蔚:Multivariate Differential Privacy for Correlated Data in Federated Learning
Saif Ur Rehman Khan:Optimized Deep Learning Model for Comprehensive Medical Image Analysis Across Multiple Modalities
罗林丰:Federated Hypergraph Learning with Hyperedge Completion
吴宗錝:KGV: Integrating LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Cyber Threat Intelligence Credibility Assessment
OMAIR BILAL:Enhancing Cervical Cancer Detection through Differential Evolution-Driven Ensembles of Attention-Based Feature Fusion Models
袁巡:Considering network certainty for interpretable and traceable network performance evaluation
唐杰:Toward Efficient Zero Trust Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks via Federated Reinforcement Learning with Blockchain
徐壹:Few-Shot Defect Time Series Generation with Local Enhanced Attention
赵海洋:Text Poisoning and Backdooring on CLIP Model
李焕:Cyber Threat Intelligence credibility Assessment with Multi-Step Evidence Retrieval
李晓亮:NSdetector: Non-stationary multivariate time series anomaly detection based on deep Transformer network
孙俊楠:CRL-AD: Contrastive Representation Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection
郭家蔚:Multivariate Differential Privacy for Correlated Data in Federated Learning
张泷千:Digital Twin Optimization of Heterogeneous Network Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
孙天翔:Intervention-Based Granger Causality Graph for Root Cause Analysis
余鑫明:Learning Graph Structures With Dual Attention Contrastive Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection
黄柯程:mm3DTrack: Indoor Positioning and Tracking in Emergency Situations Using mmWave Radar
刘昕鸿:Structure is necessary: Learned Structure-aware Purning for Point Cloud Classification
贺俊宇:Data collection strategies under battery life prediction: optimization of UAV wireless charging arrangements
万庆松: 基于数据增强的对抗图片样本生成研究
康力天:Enhancing Wireless Communication Networks via Frequency Selective Surface (FSS): Active Selecting and Tuning
李在京:A Unified Generative Framework for Sentiment Analysis Tasks
Sohaib Asif:Study on Deep Learning Aided Rapid Diagnosis of Multiple Diseases using Medical Imaging
Saif Ur Rehman Khan:GLNET: Global-Local CNN's-Based Informed Model for Detection of Divest Breast Cancer Categories from Histopathological Slides
谭晶晶:Performance Analysis of Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network: UAV Altitude and Antenna Elevation Angle
袁巡:Joint Rate and Coverage optimization for the THz/RF Multi-band Communications of SAGIN in 6G
李在京: 多模态多任务统一的情感感知研究
王晨阳: Detecting adversarial sample base on network weighting differences
郭志琦:基于航空自组织网络的缓存优化研究| 下载
许心怡:大规模医疗行为的智能标注和细粒度识别| 下载
商强浩: 空天地一体化网络频谱定价与分配| 暂无下载
湛誉: 视频检索系统的稀疏目标对抗性攻击:黑盒设定| 暂无下载
杨易林:FeSAC: Federated Learning-Based Soft Actor-Critic Traffic Offloading in SAGIN|下载
覃业广:单幅图像超分辨率重建| 下载
罗林丰: 空天地网络中基于区块链的可信流量卸载——一种联邦式的强化学习方法| 下载
李智博:H-BILSTM: A Novel Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Network Based Intelligent Early Warning Scheme in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)| 下载
徐斐然: 心脏速度编码磁共振影像去模糊| 下载
安森泉: 基于差分隐私的声纹保护